Saturday 6 June 2015

UNIT 4C: something, anything, nothing, etc.

Hi there!

Read this exaplanation and do the exercise to revise! 

Click below!

Anything, Nothing, Something, Everything

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Do you want to learn something new today? These four words are quite similar and it can be complicated to understand which one you need to use.
Something means a thing that is unknown. It is often used in positive sentences.
Anything means a thing of any kind. Use it in questions and negative sentences. It can also be used to to mean I don't mind.
Nothing means no single thing. Used as subjects of a sentence or question.
Everything means all the things. Use in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences when we want to be inclusive.
In the following sentences, can you decide which word is needed? Read the sentence carefully and think about the context. Remember to look out for double negatives! Good luck.

UNIT 4A: Make or Do?

Hello everybody!

This video gives us a clear explanation + examples of the usage of the verbs MAKE and DO. 

Watch, read and revise!